Kufr and Shirk (Disbelief and Polytheism)

This chapter deals with those aspects that necessitate kufr and shirk  or are customs and habits of the kuffar and mushrikeen, or have their traces, or lead to those things.

The following are forbidden in the Shariah:
  1. To like kufr, to appreciate its ideas, and to make someone else commit an act of kufr.

  2. To express regret or remorse at one's own Imaan for some reason, e.g. by thinking that if he were not a Muslim, he could have attained such and such a thing.

  3. To say the following things out of grief on the death of one's children or close ones: "Allah had to kill him only", "he was the only left in the world for Allah to kill", "Allah should not have done this", "No one perpetrates such brutality as You have done."

  4. To think ill of or find fault with any order of Allah and His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

  5. To scorn at Prophet or angel, or to find fault with them.

  6. To believe that a saint or pious person has knowledge of our conditions at all times.

  7. To ask about unknown matters or to cause events to be foretold from an astrologer or person under the influence of a jinn, and then to believe in what they say.

  8. To take omens from the speech of a pious person and then to regard them as true.

  9. To implore someone from a great distance and to think that he must have definitely come to know of it.

  10. To regard someone as having the choice of benefiting or causing harm.

  11. To ask someone for the fulfillment of one's needs, sustenance and children.

  12. To fast in someone's name.

  13. To prostrate before someone.

  14. To release an animal in someone's name or to make an offering in someone's name.

  15. To make a pledge in the name of someone.

  16. To make tawaaf around the grave or house of someone.

  17. To give priority to other things or customs over the orders of Allah.

  18. To bow in front of someone or to stand motionless like a statue in front of him.

  19. To make an offering of a goat to a jinn, etc.

  20. To sacrifice an animal in the name of someone.

  21. To make an offering or sacrifice a goat, etc. in order to rid one's self of a jinn, ghost, or evil spirit.

  22. To worship the navel-cord of the child so that it may live.

  23. To cry out to someone (other than Allah) for justice.

  24. To respect and revere any place as one would do for the Ka'bah.

  25. To pierce the ears or nose of a child and to make him wear an ear or nose-ring in the name of someone.

  26. To tie a coin on the arm, or a string around the neck in the name of someone.

  27. To make children wear garlands, wreaths, to keep locks of hair over their heads, or to make them beggars.

  28. To keep names such as Ali Bakhsh (given by Ali), Husayn Bakhsh (given by Husayn), Abdun Nabi (slave of the Prophet), etc.

  29. To attach the name of a particular saint on an animal and to respect it thereafter.

  30. To believe that the affairs of the world are under the influence of the stars.

  31. To ask about auspicious and inauspicious days and dates and to take omens from them.

  32. To regard certain months and dates as unlucky.

  33. To recite the name of a particular saint in the form of remembrance or incantations.

  34. To say that if Allah and His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wish such and such a thing, that will happen.

  35. To take an oath in the name or on the head of someone.

  36. To keep pictures of animate objects. Especially a saint as a source of blessing and to respect it.
    Apart from this, there are many other things. The foregoing are mentioned by way of example.

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